Avatar 3.0 Gaze and Culling Detector

Avatar Gaze Detector This prefab can be used to build avatar contraptions which react to the player's viewpoint. Specifically, it detects the act of "culling", that is to say, the moment an object is no longer rendered. This prefab can be placed into your avatar in order to activate an Avatar 3.0 parameter. Examples of usages: - Set Av3 Parameter when a player looks away from a specific object (such as a hand) - Set Av3 Parameter when object is occluded (behind a wall) or by render distance. - Detect friendship status by using a camera: By animating an object extremely far away along with a small orthographic camera, this object will be culled unless the camera is enabled, indicating that the local player is a friend. - More advanced: determine distance or angle to the local player. To use, place a GazeDetector3 or GazeDetector6 etc. anywhere in your avatar. These will be the points that detect culling. Then, assign a Gaze15AdditiveLayer into the additive slot. If you use fewer detectors, you can use a smaller one. Finally, you can use the booleans GazeOutput3, GazeOutput6 and so on for gaze activated logic!

Avatar 3.0 Gaze and Culling Detector
Avatar Gaze Detector This prefab can be used to build avatar contraptions which react to the player's viewpoint. Specifically, it detects the act of "culling", that is to say, the moment an object is no longer rendered. This prefab can be placed into your avatar in order to activate an Avatar 3.0 parameter. Examples of usages: - Set Av3 Parameter when a player looks away from a specific object (such as a hand) - Set Av3 Parameter when object is occluded (behind a wall) or by render distance. - Detect friendship status by using a camera: By animating an object extremely far away along with a small orthographic camera, this object will be culled unless the camera is enabled, indicating that the local player is a friend. - More advanced: determine distance or angle to the local player. To use, place a GazeDetector3 or GazeDetector6 etc. anywhere in your avatar. These will be the points that detect culling. Then, assign a Gaze15AdditiveLayer into the additive slot. If you use fewer detectors, you can use a smaller one. Finally, you can use the booleans GazeOutput3, GazeOutput6 and so on for gaze activated logic!